Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Nikash's vision (Nickas's nickname is Zeng)

 है मई अजय हु
मई पुल के सात काम कर रहा हु  इस वेब साईट को डेव्लोप  कर ने के ली ए कृपया इसे देकी ए और आने वाले समई  मई  इस को और डेव्लोप करेंगे

13th February 2010 update from Nikash:
good to hear you  im,m alrigth and studying very well by krazy and i ,m leaving about nagaloka b,cos i have to study further and  i thinking      i shall take a coaching for my exams dont know i cant ya not b,cos i have little shortage of money and the other hand my exam is more essentail for me and this my future .so i need help nobody has help me here i have not get who will help me for my goal ,if i will get money then i will be at delhion march if will not so,then i wiil at my home can you help me or search sponser for me pls help me atleast $30 dollar @month only for 3 months so that i will make my aim.if you doing like this then its very gratefull to you .
if you help then please send me some dollar
  with best regard                                      
  jai bhim with metta
The Translation is below the film clips:

"Zeng (Nikass) says: My name is Zeng. My real name is Nikass Chakma. I enjoy being at Nagaloka. I'm studying here about Buddhism, social action & Babasaheb [Dr Ambedkar]'s thoughts. I want to do further studies. I want to improve the welfare of my people & bring light to them. I was born in 1992."

"I'm Zeng [Nick-name]; my real name is Nikass Kumar Chakma. I come from Arunachal Pradesh. My vision is to make a mediatation centre and welfare for my society. I have passed my 2nd year at my home school before coming to Nagaloka Institute. I want to do my further studies but I have no money. All the Chakma community are refugees; we have no rights. To achieve my aim I need some help. Please help me."

Please go now to the request from Nagamitra for your support.

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